Saturday, April 30, 2016

The Red Door Inn

Raising Uncommon Kids

I Seriously loved this book, its become a welcomed addition to my book shelf and will be read many times over! I don't think there are enough good things I could say about it, Liz Johnson has woven a story full of intrigue and suspense while adding a kind and godly tone throughout it! and the descriptions she gives of PEI make me want to take off on a trip for a visit! (I also love that she wrote about a beautiful place in Canada that deserves so much attention!)
In "The Red Door Inn" we learn about Marie, and her trials as she tries to escape a family situation that causes her great anxiety and pain. As she struggles to hide away from her past she meets up with a kind elderly man who invites her to work for him as he struggles to open an Inn in memory of his late wife. I loved the love that these characters were able to show for each other, in following Christs mandate to help "The least of these", This book spoke so much to me about the value God sees on everyone we meet, and how it is our job to reach out to them. I absolutely loved this book, and I highly recommend it!!

"Book has been provided courtesy of Baker Publishing Group and Graf-Martin Communications, Inc."

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