Thursday, March 31, 2016

Raising uncommon Kids

Raising Uncommon Kids

I have the love/hate relationship with parenting books, I appreciate and love learning ways I can help shape my child into a good kind person, but on the other hand, it seems a lot of these books are either written with non-parents who have no practical idea of how to actually raise a child. Or by parents who eventually alienate their children and push them away from Christ by their unforgiving treatment!
I so appreciated that this book didn't fall into either of those categories! I loved the idea that we focus more on raising up positive traits rather than focusing on the current negative ones. It really spoke to me too on how I need to do so much more to show these Biblical traits in my own life, I really didn't notice the lack of my own before reading and getting into this book. We're now as a family working and growing together to become more Christ like in our behavior and more godly in our responses. I highly recommend this book for parents!

"Book has been provided courtesy of Baker Publishing Group and Graf-MartinCommunications, Inc."

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