Monday, February 29, 2016

The midwife's choice

I immensely enjoyed the book "The Midwife's choice" by Delia Parr, it truly wasn't at all what I expected!!! I had thought that I would be reading about the midwifery lifestyle of the midwife and maybe a few side adventures. But the book went well beyond my expectations! It was full of intrigue and mystery, and at every turn there was a new surprise waiting!! The character of Martha Cade was so much more than I had originally expected her to be!! As a widower and having an estranged relationship with her 17 yr old daughter, she struggles to meet the demands of her job while working to repair her broken relationship. And as the midwife for her community, she is called to be so much more than a midwife, but also as a confidante, a heLer, and a source of wisdom.
I would highly recommend this book!!

"Book has been provided courtesy of Baker Publishing Group and Graf-Martin Communications, Inc."

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