Wednesday, September 05, 2012

Mary Magdalene

Mary Magdalene, Diana Taylor, 978-0-8007-2048-3

This story drew me in completely, at the same time I was reading this book, I was also doing my devotions on the same timeline. The book gave a further perspective into the life and struggles of a Bible character that we know very little about. Throughout the book the author made known and clear the heart of the Savior, and his love, even for the "least of us"! Its not something that we usually consider when thinking on the people that were saved during Jesus time on earth. We know he drew the down trodden to himself, but when you consider the stories like Mary's (or others talked about in the Bible) who were possessed, you really start to grasp the heart of our Lord. It hadn't crossed my mind the absolute filth that these people would have lived in (Both in mind and physically). Yet Jesus draws them to Himself with open arms and absolute unconditional love. This book was interesting/entertaining, but more so it really opens your eyes up to God and His heart for us. Its easy to see the parallels between us and the main character Mary. How our sins my make us look to God, yet he looks past the filth and see's a beloved child of God.
I highly recommend this book, I don't believe that this was intended as a devotion/way to know God better, yet it effected me much more than many of the devotional books I've read. Do yourself a favor and get this book, you'll see a side to your Savior that you haven't understood!

"Book has been provided courtesy of Baker Publishing Group and Graf-Martin Communications, Inc.
Available at your favourite bookseller from Revell, a division of Baker Publishing Group".

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