Saturday, February 19, 2011

The Life ready woman: Thriving in a do-it-all world

Life Ready Woman

I first became a fan of Shaunti Feldhahn's books when I read "For women only", (Which was a fabulous book, if you're a lady, you need to read it!) So when I saw that her new book "The Life ready woman" was available for review, I was beyond excited! One of the issues I seem to have with a lot of these kind of Christian self-help books for women is they are big pushers of the woman not being equal to her husband. These books annoy me, so I was more than happy to read (and having read previous books by feldhahn was also expecting) right near the beginning of the book she starts off with explaining that men and woman are equal. I appreciate that both authors didn't try to push down the woman's role as unimportant, it was a great start to the book!
I especially enjoyed near the end of the book, where the authors talk about the "Three steps to believing God" One of my biggest struggles in my Christian walk is learning to lean and trust God rather than depending solely on myself. Its good to be reminded of who God is, and all he's done in the past. It spoke to me in the way that if He took that much care of my past of course He's to be trusted with my future! And one point they made that I think so many of us need to hear and understand is to "Act on trust, not feelings". Out of everything in this book, this spoke to me the most.
I will fully be recommending this book to any and every female out there! This is a must read ladies!!

Now, with that said I've got a giveaway ladies!!
If you'll leave a comment and your name (and email please, or else I can't contact you!!) I will be entering you for a chance to receive a free copy of the book "The life ready woman"!!
I'll be doing the draw a week from today, so you have lots of time to sign up and invite your friends!! Good Luck!!!

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