Sunday, February 27, 2011

The heart revolution

I think I need to stop starting my posts with "I normally don't like these kind of self-help books" considering there have been so many lately that I've enjoyed, lol.
This book is no exception, and I really think it has the chance to greatly improve your walk with God if applied!
This book is basically a 40 day (40 chapters/40 days) challenge to increase your own understanding of Christ and who you are in Christ.  One of the biggest questions that I think every Christian, seasoned or new, struggles with; "How do you keep your heart turned toward God rather than letting the circumstances of your life dictate your destiny" As a pastor's wife I'm aware of how drastically oppression can effect a person's life and their understanding of themselves.
I absolutely loved chapter 7 that talks about "the supremacy of Christ", I love how Da La Mora puts a big emphasis right at the beginning that "There is no circumstance or situation we could ever face that Jesus himself did not face and overcome while he was on the earth" I know its something we should all know by now, but for some reason its one of the hardest things to comprehend. I love the term he used "Liberating power to overcome", how often we forget all the Christ has truly done for us!!
This was such a great book that we're looking into doing a Bible study around it with our small groups! HIGHLY recommend!!
"Book has been provided courtesy of Baker Publishing Group and Graf-Martin Communications, Inc.

Available at your favourite bookseller from Baker Books, a division of Baker Publishing Group".

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