Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Storm warning

I really enjoy reading books by Billy Graham, I find he tends to be quite straightforward and to the point, yet he does so in a way that you're left feeling informed not attacked. Normally I tend to stay away from these kind of books about end time prophecies, mostly because most authors really seem to stretch the facts to get them to fit with their points. However with this book, (as with the other books I've read by Graham) I found that he didn't see the need to stretch the facts or exaggerate in order to prove his point. He's connected many of the different natural disasters, wars and downfalls in our world with end time prophecies. This book really caused me to sit back and look at myself and the world and judge how I personally have been living my life. I know as a PW I'll be passing this book on to my husband, since I'm quite sure there will be some fantastic points that he can quote in there for his sermons!
If you're looking for a light read, this isn't for you, but if you want to not only be challenged in your faith, but also your walk I would highly recommend picking up this book. It is definately a life changer.

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