Monday, February 22, 2010

Hunter's Moon

Ok, I wanted to like this book, I really did, I tried three different times to start it before finally struggling through it on that third try.  I hate to be a downer, I'm sure the Author put a ton of work into this, and the Lord knows he did a much better job than i would have. But for me the book just jumped around so much, and was so hard to follow. I loved the idea of the plot, and thought the idea of it was really compelling and imaganitive, so that was a big thumbs up for the author. Perhaps though this just isn't a style of writing that I'm used to reading, so I would encourage people to check him out for themselves. I know other's who have read his book and enjoyed it immensely so I'm thinking this just wasn't my cup of tea in a way.
Anyway, onto an overview of the book for those who want to know more about the plot!
The main Character in the book is CJ Baxter, a writer who takes his stories straight from his own life. With the death of his grandfather looming Baxter has to travel back to Adelia NY, back to his family. Even with all the stories he's written there is one that he's kept secret, and its a secret that his brother Graham is willing to keep silent by any means possible. There were some spots in the book that I'll admit I found compelling and really held my attention, Hoesel did a great job especially during the more suspensful sections.

"Available now at your favourite bookseller from Revell, a division of Baker Publishing Group"

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