Friday, January 22, 2010

The Choice

I have to say,  I was a little weary about reading this book.  From some of my experiences, I've found the Amish themed books to be a little slow moving and very preachy about living that way of life. So i didn't really have great hopes for the book when i started reading. However that changed after the first few pages, the book was absolutely fantastic.
The book begins with a young Amish woman named Carrie who makes plans to run away to marry her 'boyfriend'. However tragedy strikes the family and Carrie is forced to choose between love for a guy and love for her family.
I loved the characters in this book, they were kind and faith-filled yet without that condescendingly proud tone you sometimes get when author's are trying to convey this. The author gave them real problems (not the corny silly problems that sometimes Christian authors seem to put in their books) and real heartache and showed how they dealt with it. All the characters were quite believable and easily likeable. I found this book easy to read and incredibly well written. I do believe Lancaster County has found a new fan!
"Available now at your favourite bookseller from Revell, a division of Baker Publishing Group"

1 comment:

Suzanne said...

Hi Tracy! Just wanted to pop in and say thank you for reading and reviewing my book! So glad you enjoyed it! Loved your way with you're sitting down with your readers over a cup of coffee! ~Suzanne Fisher